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Our Privacy Policy

Hello dear friends, accessories known home shopping site login information and privacy considerable importance, absolute respect and full maintenance of your site login information and privacy.
Battery shop in order to protect the security of all customer information, to take the most stringent protection measures to avoid the loss of data, misuse, unauthorized access and disclosure.
In order for you to better understand the accessories to know on how to collect, use and protect the information that you provide, please read the accessories known home Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy).
The following provisions will tell you, Accessories knowledge on how to collect data and how to use the Privacy Policy.

Privacy on the linked sites

Know home page will provide you with a more complete product information and other needs, accessories advertising network links or other website via the link, you can tap into the advertising or other sites.
If the guests home link to advertising page or his the station online shopping or Login, the other side has its own individual privacy policy, may also collect your information, the data processing measures, NA privacy of home accessories known known by the accessories rights protection policies, the accessories known home is not jointly and severally liable.

About the purpose of the data collection

When your battery shop shopping site need to leave your information, such as name, sex, date of birth, telephone, address, e-mail address, occupation and statistics compiled information, these records known only as accessories home records of customer information and contact you when the communications directory, accessories, know that the home will not be released to any customer's privacy information.

About online shopping

Information content or records of the recipients, payment information and purchase details, mainly for internal operations and enhance the quality of personalized services. For example, the recipient information, mainly used for delivery of your purchased goods to the designated premises; payment information is only used to record your payment method for conventions that you pay the payment of the sum of shopping, including credit card or online banking transfer information via a third-party gold streaming company visa, the site will not retain the relevant information.

Login and Registration website

When you register, login, or modify the profile of home accessories known active due to operational requirements, will take the initiative to retain and synchronization information to update your left.
Where without your active registration information, such as the user's IP address, use the time to use the browser, the browser and click on the record, accessories known house analysis only to the sum of the behavior of all users, individual users will not have to be analyzed.
Accessories knowledge home to ensure that the data collected will not be revealed to a third party, will not be sold, exchanged, or rented to other groups or individuals.

Cookies application

Service to provide you more apt battery shop will use cookies to save certain messages, fast web browsing and tracking consumer information, contains confirm your identity and access shopping information, estimates Visitors progress and the number of times, track user had to participate in promotions, sweepstakes and contests, measurement browsing mode, and advertising.
Cookies are only used to record the customer record of the activities in the home site, known accessories not have to affect the operation of your computer.

Newsletter sending of promotional activities

Battery shop in advance or register Login obtain your consent to send commercial information or e-mail to you, in addition to specify the information or e-mail is sent home, also known by the accessories in the information or You can stop receiving such information or e-mail at any time, instructions or functional link provided in the email.
Order to provide other services or promotions marketing activities, when you need to send commercial information or e-mail by a third party to provide the services, fittings know the home will provide a full description of the activities, you are free to choose whether to accept this specific services or activities.

About Privacy Terms exceptions

Judicial units of public safety, accessories known publicly-specific personal information, accessories, known to the family, as the the judicial units legitimate formal program do know that all users of the home security considerations may be necessary with the accessories.

In Privacy Terms correction rights

Battery Shop of privacy protection provisions may be in response to the trend of technological development, the amendments of the relevant laws and regulations or other factors such as environmental changes and modify, to protect the interests of your online shopping.
Revised the terms will be immediately published on the the accessories known home website, If you have any questions about the privacy of accessories known home website, please contact us: the service mailbox or call  02-2221 - 9667  contact.

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